Our top features
Powerful cPanel
The cPanel & WHM software package is an easy-to-use control panel that gives web hosts, and the website owners they serve, the ability to quickly and easily manage their servers and websites.
99.9% Uptime
Our server located across Tier 3/4 datacenters. The minimum uptime garantee to be 99.9%.
Constant Backups
Our servers are all in Hardware Raid 1 (full redundancy), and constantly backup eevery 2 weeks to make sure every piece of data is safe and protected.
High-speed Netwrok
To ensure high speed, low latency superior quality bandwidth, our datacenter invest in the deployment of its own fiber optics network. Managed with DWDM equipment, currently being migrated to 100G coherent technology, our network is world-wide in scope.
Online security
All the servers are firewall protected from unauthorized access. Smart IP detection system blacklist all suspicious activities.
24/7 Support
Our data centers are secured with access badges, video surveillance and security guards 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Fully equipped with state of the art fire detection and suppression.
Even more features
Everything's OK
Our dedicate support team would like to help at any time to make sure the service is at best status.
Super Fast
Our network have a 10G throughput across the world to ensure super fast access from anywhere.
Many Servers Worldwide
Our servers are located across US, Canada, and most EU countries with global accessibility.
Cron Jobs
Things been invented to release labour work. Crom Jobs enable full automation possibility.